realistic idealism: life from where I stand

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Hey World! long time no see

For the all of two pigeons that actually glance briefly at this blog: I have decided to come out of my self-imposed seclusion to boldly face a reality that all have faced before.
I am 21
I have my own apartment and will have it for another 11 months
I am going to be a senior at GWU in the Elliot School of International Affairs which, as much as I like to deny it, is a fairly good program with a more than modest amount of prestige
I am going to recieve my LSAt scores on Monday which will then allow me to apply to some rather decent international law programs
I am deeply in love with a man who makes all my idiosyncracies and excentricities seem lovable and wonderful and with whom life seems enjoyable for once and most importantly a man who is deeply in love with me in return.
It appears that I have depression, in the least I am on a low dossage of anti-depressants, whatever that means and I have been in therapy on and off for a bit over a year now and constantly for 9 months.
I am switching jobs on Sunday to work at a B. Dalton that is smaller and has a manager who isn't quite as impossible
I am quite afraid of what the future may or may not bring.
I am also quite scared of getting drunk... which is why I'm probably the only 21 year old in existance who has voluntarily been 21 for 2 whole months without using her new found power...