realistic idealism: life from where I stand

Monday, September 26, 2005


tired... really really tired.
Need to last for another 57 hours... wed night at 9pm I can crash... resisting urge to say to heck with it all and crash now...

sooooo hard

went to baltimore yesterday... had a great time visiting meagan complete with crazy local homeless guy insiting on giving us directions to every coffee shop save the one we really wanted. Ah well... we seem to attrack the wierd ones all right. but yes... it was awesomely fun and def what I needed to do in prep for this wk.

anyway gotta dash. hug/kisses to all where applicable

I'm just thinking about my MINI and how much fun it's going to be to drive around NY when I'm an accelerated international law student at NYU with an internship at the UN.
somehow that makes the lack of sleep a bit more tolerable

Saturday, September 24, 2005

IMF/ World Bank weekend at GWU

Image hosted by

Red, white, and blue

lights flashing, reflecting off the window

behind which I sit

studying law and freedom, democracy

yet what do these mean?

Tonight they mean that cop lighting

flares on the corner stretching

yellow police line tape transforming

my campus into an alternative reality of

preemptive fear, protectionist safety so

that I can be safe from



fellow countrymen


participants in democracy

"We" the people

I am protected from my fellow American's freedom.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

b/c I'm a nerd and think that posting from the library is fairly cool

ok have had coffee + stress of past several days relieved by taking scary Balkans map quiz at 8am this morning so I am a rather hyperly scary person to talk to at the moment. Hence the need to vent all insanity into keyboard-- I am posting therefore out of kindness to my parentals (who really don't deserve to be woken up by their neurotic daughter at 6:47am by the house phone, then mom's cell, then papa's cell, then the house phone again peforming a cacauphonous quartet (woohoo for not knowing how to spell simple words... ok so not so simple but cacauphonous is a wonderful word-- or did i jsut make it up SEEE?? TOO MUCH HYPERNESS))
so after Balkans class today, which i might add was quite exciting in that at one point the prof was like so this was the time of Maria-Thereasa if any of you have heard of her and my inner nerd was like idoidoido!! which after Public Internatioanl Law last night-- which as usual was full of me making comments i thought were quite profound and my prof going yeeees but andrew what was the answer I was really looking for? which is great b/c that meant that andrew def got many participation poitns but at the same time it tends to make one feel a bit like a balloon stuck up to the wall at last night party when that engineer guy (who knows of course all the exciting things one can do with static electricity-- case in point-->dude i learned how to do the balloon in the hair thing before I could walk) was trying to entertain himself. Ok that metaphor is offically dead. The point here people is that I was rather deflated and this morning I felt v. smart b/c--*TRUMPETS PLEASE* i was in prague this summer and learned all about maria thereasa (although I might add that it's about time I felt inflated in re: maria thereasa b/c for like the first 4 wks everyone kept saying "oooooh so that was put into place by Maria THEREASA....well then taht explains it" with very knowing glances to each other-- and while I returned said meaningful glance I had absolutely no clue what was so meaningful/sig about it. Upon further evaluation I actually can't say that I really have much of a firmer grasp on her world shattering mind bending importance even now... BUT i went to prague this summer and therefore have earned the right to be all knowing about maria thereas damn it! soooooooooooo there! mauaha. So after class I bounced up-- yes literally remember-- destressing +coffee is baaaaad do not come near zuska quand elle a bu beacoup du cafe (KAVA IN CZECH) ... parce-que elle est tres INSANE! woohoo! anyway so where was I-- ah yes about to freak out balkans prof. soooo i started asking all of these questiosn about czech culture, etc.and I think i went on and on and on and on and on much liek this blog but hopefully at least she'll remember me now... unless she plans on having the funny farm peeps ambush me outside of my next class..that would be rather a downer. The last thing I need is another distraction this year.

ok really funny but the coffee's wearing off and I'm feelign the need to go back to bed... ummmm so yes this is all...

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

where's that mute button?

1. v. tired-- stayed up till 1am this morning working on paper then woke up at 6am to work out... yeah i know -- i rock... then had 12 hours of almost entirely back to back classes-- my longest break being taken up with computer issues.
2. Still missing things from my bag... so irritated whenever I think of it...
3. feeling overwhelmed -- will my life ever include someone else special? or am I doomed to be "suzie" smiling, happy, random, neurotic... but always sinular in tense. Classes are so intense right now... I could really use an actual shoulder to cry on-- one that actually was in the same time zone as me. At this point I'm so independent it's rediculous.
4. feeling summa cum laude back within possibility. It's funny, I don't consider myself smart. I always feel like I got let in to gwu and even classes by a fluke :-p how neurotic is that? But today talking to my classmates in PIL (political internatioanl law but I love calling it pil :-p ) I realized that I'm actually at about the same level as them for the most part. so I belong here...honest!

I think I really need a hug.
I'm so drained right now in fact no doub tI'll regret writing all of this but I just needed to do a brain dump. it's been one of those days.

I can't wait until my ipod arrives...maybe on friday but def on monday-- hmmm i wonder if they would deliever it on a sat-- prolly not in fact just checked and it should get here at 10:30am on monday morning... sigh... but it's coming!!! so happy... I seriously need it so badly... how sad is that- - but I have decided that it's really not that sad... b/c I work really hard and I'm always thinking about doing something. My brain never really takes a break. That's one reason why lately actually the most affective way for me to "nap" is to curl up with a dvd-- b/c unless I'm like sick or medicated I can't just conk out. So that's my justification for the ipod--it calms my mind. ok that still sounds scary.

what's even scarier is that in 8 hours and 18 min I have a Balken's map quiz... and in a bit under 7 hours I have to wake up...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

meaning that I should go to bed....

will i ever meet him? will he be crazy about me? will I be able to just relax and be myself? Or will I meet him just to have to leave again for some other place-- which would work if the second condition was true b/c if it was then he would call and I wouldn't have to be so paranoid at myself --checking and rechecking my actions for anything that would seem too enthusiastic.


im really tired. and of more than just school

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


groan... just ate carton of ben and jerry's (low fat frozen yogurt thank goodness) and today i'd vowed not to eat sugar after blowing it with cookies yesterday... oh god I'm stressed and it's starting to show through my eating habits...

someone stole my bookbag on sun night-- complete with ipod :( and textbook I need for thursday and wonderful orange pen from vienna, and wallet with everything in it, and passport... and everything except cell phone basically.


ok well maybe i'm justified in eating too much sugar right now. sigh...

saw advisor today-- I'm on track to graduate in spring 07 --yay! and also I found out that gwu doesn't rank meaning that if i get a gpa of 3.8 then i graduate summa cum laude period. no strangeness about limiting summa cum laudes to top 3% of graduating class! thank goodness...


someone please help meeeeee...

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Two weeks away it feels like the world should've changedBut I'm home nowAnd things still look the sameI think I'll leave it to tomorrow till unpackTry to forget for one more nightThat I'm back in my flat on the roadWhere the cars never stop going through the nightTo real life where I can't watch sunsetI don't have timeI don't have time[Chorus:]I've still got sand in my shoesAnd I can't shake the thought of youI shake it all, forget youWhy, why would I want toI know we said goodbyeAnything else would've been confused but I wanna see you againTomorrow's back to work down to sanitationshould've run back ?? before I left hereTry to Mama show her that I was happy hereBefore I knew that I could get on the plane and fly awayFrom the road where the cars never stop going through the nightTo real life where I can't watch sunsetAnd take my timeTake up our time[Chorus]I wanna see you againTwo weeks away, all it takes to change in time around by fallingI walked away and never said that I wanted to see again[Chorus x2]I wanna see you againI wanna see you again

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

but of course...

So my wisdom tooth incision has absessed-- they're worried it's gone/going septic... suddenly my life has gotten screwy.

My mom's flying out tomorrow so that I'll have someone with me for surgery on friday (yes I love my mother... she's not letting me be tough...which is rather a relief if I'm honest) and then yes back to looking like a chipmonk.


and the moral today kids is... take your freakin' antibiotics!!!


Tuesday, September 06, 2005

just a quick note to add to last post

Just skimmed for some random sentimental reason my posts from this summer.

What an amazing time I had.

Zuska is still me even though I'm in DC and feeling more like Susanna every minute.


I'm so tired of missing people.

and the procession of cups on my desktop grows...

feeling so on top of it right now! actually looks like I'll have ALL of my reading done for my first real wednesday!!! Let's delve into what this means shall we? ok so my wednesday schedule is the following:

9:35-10:50 International Political Econ (demphasis on the econ-- NO NUMBERS FOR ME THIS SEMESTER!!! grrrr to econ 11 and 12!!)

11:10-12pm French 3

12:45-2pm 20th cent European Diplomatic History

3:55-5:10 Modern Dance (complete with tryingness of wearing body-hugging outfit in room full of dancers--EEEEK!!! but yay for getting to roll around on the floor!)

6-8:40 Public International Law (on the Vern btw-- a separate campus so factor in 20-30 min travel time--muahahha)

So yes being preped adequately for this day is def a major plus :-D

acutally that minute rant about mod dance made me realize that I don't know what I'm actually going to wear to class tomorrow--doooh...blast.

but I'm still rather happy. so that's all good. OH yes day began with dumping yoga--WOOOH000000 :-p after going online and realizing that the instructor was going to be in all likeness by the sound of her syllabus one of those egotistical maniacs who try to make a 1 credit fitness class destroy your gpa if you at all give her evidence that you don't take it seriously--traslation? SHE WAS GIVING HW! that's a big no-no for me-- not in heck on top of the load i have this semester. I also realized that yoganess tends to attact peeps who can be rawther trying-- like super-skinny, flexible, etc. and yeah there's me with my average build and way less than average flexibility ending up in an awkward def non-cute looking lump moaning and... ummm... just can't do that this semester. So on to plan B which involves buying new running shoes so I can actually get out amoung the monuments and stretch my legs which I have yet to do this sememster (shame!!), going to the gym as much as possible --chances of this are greatened by success already thus far AND very sig. discovery of ability to study and workout AT THE SAME TIME! this is good. this is v. v. good. :-D and last but not least I have decided to at least take an few beginning classes at the alexandria rockclimbing gym this semester. Esp with the fact that on tues and thurs I'm now done with classes by 10am (meaning tho I have an 8 and therefore will be up already) and although I told dalton that i could work those nights I know that they also want me fridays for close so chances are either tues or thurs or both will be free every week...that would give me plenty of time to horribly embarrass myself at sportrock right? seriously tho I've been thinking about it all summer and I really want to get into an athletic hobby of sorts and although I'm a "runner" in the loosest sense of the word, I really don't want to run with others-- so that kinda defeats the whole like social aspect... also im really seriously uncoordinated when it comes to objects so that rules our intramural stuff-- also fear of looking stupid makes most of that not too fun for me to tell you the truth. So rock-climbing-- why not? I fig the main object involved is a huge wall and while I could def hurt myself by crashing into it or something like that 1. i won't be able to hurt others (not at least by throwing it at their faces on accident) and 2. neither will I be able to take it and score for the opposite team (not that any of these things have happened before or anything 0:-) so yes...shall look into that... hmmm wondering if i should go on running shoes exploration this evening so i stop having an excuse-- the weathers so nice right now too like esp in mornings and evenings... I have like nothing else to do...hmmm...

In other news-- ummm-- missing everyone at home--that's rather one reason why im trying to work something fun into free time through which i might have a chance to meet some cool peeps b/c to be honest it's just not going to well on campus friends-wise. It's part of the problem with being a transfer student-- the time to really meet peeps at gwu is freshman yr. also it's my own fault in as much as I'm not one to get into athletics (that's an understatement), the school paper (personal assumption that I'm not qualified enough which I have never bothered to seriously challenge), and while I'm really friendly and all the peeps who I meet seem to always wait for me to make the first move which is cool and all but tiring after awhile to be honest-- and while I've called some peeps, i haven't found anyone i really click with. So who knows... this would be rather a diff slice of society to explore. But yeah I'm trying to refrain from calling my cali friends too much but I'm really lonely... not as badly as last year b/c I know now that there's not something fundamentally wrong with me-- I do have friends...just not here so much... and even with all of our technological advances there's nothing really to put in place of a good face to face conversation. Bummer too is that several peeps i really care about are seriously busy this semester and I really don't want to annoy them with phone calls etc. I don't want to come off as "needy" or anything. But the truth--the honest truth is that I am lonely. I do need people. I'm trying to meet them here but it's just hard for some reason. I think classes for me are a place to really focus... etc. Hopefully I'll meet peeps through like study groups and all... so that might work. But it's not like I have a ready-made social group here is what I'm trying to say. I'm good at being alone... I have to be otherwise this would be non-workable. But esp in light of the fun of this summer I find that I've torn down some of my barriers I used to use to insulate myself from my loneliness which is good b/c I've consequently gotten a lot more close to peeps but now it's just hard to go back to that aloneness.

Ok I think I do need to go out on a shopping excursion...or at least go down to bn... or something! :-p

anyway...ummm... I know no one really reads my blog anymore but if you happen to see this and you know my number give me a buzz... you'll never know how much something like that means to me...

Sunday, September 04, 2005

because it made me laugh

You Know You're From LA When...
You're driving on the 101 and see a clear cut definition of where the smog begins and ends
You go to a karaoke bar and battle with seven year old divas-in-training who are trying to steal your thunder
You're sitting in traffic for at least an hour at any given part of the day
You go to the beach and see that real lifeguards actually do look like the lifeguards from Baywatch
You see purple and gold and the word "Threepeat" on every corner
You begin to "lie" to your friends about where you are (i.e. "Yeah I'm like 20 minutes away") - when you know that it'll take you at least an hour to get there).
You eat a different ethnic food for every meal
You look around at the nice cars around you during traffic, thinking it'll be your favorite Laker or WB star.
You make a conscious choice to watch Jay Leno over David Letterman
You mourned for Tupac and not for Biggie
You know it's best not to be on the 405 at 4:05 pm.
Getting anywhere from point A to point B, no matter what the distance, takes about "twenty minutes".
You know what neighborhood someone lives in by the degree of damage incurred during the riots.
You've inadvertently learned Spanish.
You've got to bring the cat/plants in when it drops to 55 degrees.
In the "winter", you can go to the beach and ski at Big Bear on the same day.
You've bumped into a celebrity at El Pollo Loco.
You know what "sigalert", "PCH", and "the five" mean.
Your pizza delivery guy is also on contract with Warner Bros.
If your destination is more than 5 minutes away on foot, you're definitely driving.
You have a gym membership because it's mandatory.
Your TV show is interrupted by a police chase. Y
ou can't fall asleep without the lull of a helicopter flying overhead.
When tourists ask where they can get souvenirs, you direct them to Venice Beach.
You know someone named Freedom, Rainbow, Persephone or Destiny.
You've trespassed through private property to get to the "Hollywood" sign.
You've partied in Tijuana at least once.
You know Hollywood has a "lake".
You don't stop at a STOP sign, you do a California Roll.
You've lost your car in the Century City Shopping Center parking lot.
You've ever bought oranges, flowers, cherries or peanuts on a freeway off-ramp.
You think that Venice is a beach.
You drive next to a Rolls Royce and don't notice.
You've started crossing a street and returned to the curb when the DON'T WALK sign started flashing.
You've never listened to NPR.
Calling your neighbors requires knowing their area code.
You have a favorite Thai restaurant.
You think Johnnny Rocket's is an accurate depiction of a diner.
You think Manhattan is a beach.
You eat pineapple on pizza.
You've been to Disneyland more times than Downtown.
When giving directions , you follow up with the phrase: "With/Without traffic."
You classify new people you meet by their Area Code. An "818" would never date a "562" and anyone from "323" or "213" is ghetto/second class. Best area code: "310."
Driving along, you see a high-speed police chase approaching in your rear view mirror. You don't panic or even flinch. Instead, you call your friends on your car phone and tell them you're on TV.
You know that if you drive two miles in any direction you will find a McDonald's or a Starbucks.
Your cell phone has left a permanant impression on the side of your head.
You never, ever go into the water at the Beach. You barely touch the sand.
Everyone you know has 3+ phone numbers. Home, Office, mobile, pager, two-way, voicemail..... It is not unusual for your waitress at a restaurant to have blue streaked hair, a dragon tattoo and tounge piercing.
You are awakened in the middle of the night by a moderate earthquake. Your reply: "That ain't even a 5-pointer" and go back to sleep.
You think you are better than the people who live "Over the Hill". It don't matter which side of the hill you are currently residing, you are just better than them, for whatever reason.
You live 10 miles from work. It takes you 60 minutes to get home.
Walking out of Jamba Juice, you see that a movie is being shot on-location across the street. You are not happy, or even slightly exited that there may be a movie star there. You just say, " They f*ckin better not be blocking my parking space."
You have to yell at your bank teller through a 2 inch thick wall of plexi-glass.
That last one goes for your local convienience store man, too.
You go to Las Vegas for a weekend getaway and the whole trip cost you $50.
You personally know at least 5 people with agents.
You personally know at least 3 people who have been in a movie or TV show.
You know what In N Out is and feel bad for all the other states because they don't have any.
You know that not everyone in Beverly Hills is a millionaire.
You know who the tinsel underwear dude in Venice Beach is.
You've done something on a street corner in an attempt to get money (i.e. sang, tap danced, told jokes).
You've gotten parking tickets from parking in the red zone in front of your house.
You say you live in LA when really you live in a subsection of a subsection of a subsection of southern LA.
Any major movie star is picking out the best portobello mushrooms next to you at the grocers and you don't notice.
The guy at 8:30 in the morning at Starbucks wearing the baseball cap and sunglasses who looks like George Clooney IS George Clooney.
You really can never be too rich or too thin.
The gym is packed at 3pm...on a workday.
The workday starts at 10am...or whenever you get out of your therapy session.
Any invitation comes with, "Starts at 8pm or as soon as you can get through traffic."
You have never met a waiter that wasn't really an "Actor."
You never go to a coffee house without a copy of a script - any script.
It's sprinkling and there's a report on every news station about "STORM WATCH '99"
You call 911 and they put you on hold.
You have to leave the big company meeting early because Billy Blanks himself is teaching the 4:30 tae-bo class.
The three hour traffic jam you just sat through wasn't caused by a horrific 9 car pile-up, but by everyone slowing to rubberneck at a lost shoe lying on the shoulder.
A nurse can look at you in all seriousness and ask, "you don?t drink or smoke, right?"
All the "cool gyms" allow pedestrians on the street a full-view of those working out. Literally, you can?t drive by Wilshire without staring into L.A. Fitness. Perhaps a new form of window shopping?
The hot seasonal party favor is a candied apple from Neiman's. The apples are called "Skinny Dippers."
The waitress asks if you'd like "carbs" in your meal.
Bars card. For real.
You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Los Angeles.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Tired of life in limbo

Tired of life in limbo... waiting for it all to start... waaaiting... but what if it's already started? what if I'm missing it? what is life? what is it's meaning? Am i really waiting? or do i just think i am? what is thepoint of needing to classify one's position in life?

last night

So last night I get home from work, utterly exhausted (my schedule on fri is 9:35-10:50 International political econ, 11:10-12 french, and then 1:30-9:30PM work....) so yeah I was dead tired. I walked around campus tho for a bit talking to the parentals on my cell so it was like 10:45 when I got home... to a living room full of virgin islandians :-p actulaly it was full yet... but there were three of someone's cousins (they keep telling me that really b/c it's a small island everyone's related to each other anyways so even if i can't keep who's related to who straight it's b/c well they all apparently are one big happy family) Anyway so I was like ok cool but guess I"m not going to bed right away... so i stayed up and thing I know it's like midnight and I'm walking down the street with everyone on our way to the college dance club of sorts-- lulu's. Sooooooo yeah first thing--ummm guys I can't dance! and secondly, ummmm hot loud places usually aren't my cup o' tea... and thirdly--- i'm tired!!! But we went... and I have to say that it wasn't too bad and at times it was actually fairly fun. In fact it was fun the whole time... woohooo for suzie who has jumped over yet another hurdle...
Got home with roomates and co. (which had doubled in six to 4 virgin islandians and 2 trinidandians--one of whom had a thing for red heads i was told so... ummm yeah) :-D and immediatley my adrenaline rush was gone and i was like tireder than i had previously been... so I was the party pooper and went to bed... woke up this morning and trinidadians are stilll here! woohoooo!!!! This semester is def DEF. turning out to be rather random and yet totally cool as well. It'll be a good balance to my jr. year which is already beginning to get stressful. I was able to FINALLY get into Public international law woooh000! and so now I'm officially at 17 units-- one is modern dance and the other is yoga but still i have 5 solidly intense courses and all of them are jrs and seniors!!! That excites me to know end b/c I"m going to be in classes where people actually know what they're talking about... often more than I do and I much prefer that to a bunch of ummm "I feel that mr. roosevelt liked sloths b/c they too are rather slow when they walk"... during which suzie= GAAAAAAAA!!! and barely restrains her urge to hit them. So classes are as follows:

Making of the modern balkans (hist dept)
International Political Economy (poli sci dept)
Public International Law (poli sci dept)
20th cent european diplomatic hist (hist dept)
French 3
Modern Dance

woohooo for me!!! :-p
sigh... thinking i should go workout (in other news) at least for like 30 min... yaaaa why not ok I shall write more later I'm sure.
toodles-- c'est suzie!

Friday, September 02, 2005


Im sitting in the starbucks next to the gelaman library—why haven’t I come here before? It’s sooo nice and so much better than the poorly run one on j. st. Yes I think I have found my new fav. Place on campus—if only my wallet can sustain my addiction :-p So I’ll upload this later I guess but I had to write right this second. This morning while I was working out I was watching network tv of course and all everyone is atalking about and showing the hurricane after affects. Why is that that these occurances bother me so much? My roommates are like oh wow yeah it’s bad but ok… maybe that’s b/c their from a hurricane prone area, but then again when I see an earth quake happen someplace if anything I empathize MORE due to my own experiences with them. But anyways it’s just weird. I seriously want to just curl up in a ball and shut out what’s happening. I think it’s the feeling of powerlessness. That I can’t do anything. I never give money b/c it’s not mine to begin with—it’s my parents so that’s kinda stupid and secondly I always feel like that so devoid of meaning… I mean my mom’s company – a large corporation gave 1 mil thte first day… no doubt they’ll give more before this is all over. So compared withat that whas is my like 50 buck donation… it’s more like guilt money. Like me saying ok great I’ve done something so my heart can stop hurting now. But I know it’snot that easy. Or at least it truly shouldn’t be that easy. I feel so bad. I feel so awful about all of this. To the point that I don’t really want to talk to anyone about it. I just want to shut it all out. To hide till it’s over. But again my brain knows it’s not that easy. What is my civic responsibility? Do I have one? What should I—can I do? I can’t really give up my studies and go volunteer--- that would be semetercide—esp this being like a totally intense study load for me right now. So again what am I to do… what am I to do? Write? What good does that do?