realistic idealism: life from where I stand

Sunday, August 28, 2005

back home... aren't I?

So I'm back in DC, sitting here in my new dorm (WHICH HAS A LIVING ROOM!!! WOOHOO), drinking a diet coke that one of my roomies got for me-- this is going to be an awesome semester! :-p but yeah seriously it's good to be back. A lot has changed with me so it's nice to come back to a place and be able to compare stuff. This is the first time I've been able to do that like ever-- it's rather profound if I'm honest. I find that I'm much less fearful...yeah ok so some things I'm still rather freaked about but over all I confronted a lot of fears while I was in Prague and I challenged their validity and found them to be wrong. I had new experiences...met new people...began to dream new dreams... ok this sounds sappy but seriously it's all true. It's rather funny-- can't figure out if I'm a later bloomer or what... but life is starting to become "real" to me..that's the only way I can put it. Perhaps the reason I've been able to function esp away from home this long is b/c in some ways I'm like ahead responsibility and capability wise-- but my fears have been holding me back... anyway ok I think I've wierded myself out too much now. :-p Tomorrow is my first day of work...quite quite excited! twill be great to see everyone again...all be it rather exhausting-- it takes some time to get used to working shifts again. But anyway ummmm no doubt I'll be updating more often now. Funny-- someone asked me in prague if I blogged as sort of an outlet-- b/c I told him that I esp in high school I really didn't have much contact with peeps... I was like ummmm no at first but now I'd have to say yeah...that's true... that is what I'm doing. I enjoy sharing my thoughts with that mysterious world out there-- and most likely they will never be read but still it works. Anyway until next time. take care all... luv-- zuskie

Saturday, August 06, 2005

owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwiiiiiiieeeeeeeeee :(

So... I'm obviously not in prague anymore... I'm home... wonderful lovely so-cal oh how I love thee. I've been debating whether or not to still use this blog now that my life has become oh so mundane-- no longer an international travelor and such but I figured oh what the heck... no one reads this anyways anymore so I might as well enjoy it. :-p Second reason for writing is that I needed to vent to some nameless void over the shear annoyance and yes rather painfulness of having 4--count them...yes all four of my FULLY impacted wisdom teeth pulled. I am now entering into my third day of looking like a chipmonk gone horribly wrong...either that or my face looks like the face of a 300 lb me... neither is a pleasant thought, and yes... the ego is suffering rather a lot. I'm in a self-imposed succulsion...but when yesterday out of despration I suggested to my mom that I might just drive down to jamba juice myself she quickly nixed the idea-- said I would embarrass myself. So yeah I guess there may be a smart reason for this isolation. :-p One must always keep in mind the need to not alarm the general public... I wonder if going out in public looking like I do would be considered a crime just like shouting "fire" in a crowded theatre is... I mean I might like cause traffic accidents by people shrieking in alarm... I might cause widespread panic such as orsen wells with his war of the worlds...people might think there was an alien chipmonk-human breed invading our fair planet. Therefore ummm...yeah not thinking I should go outside just yet. But I'm so freaking bored. Went to the dentist today just to make sure this constant state of swollenness was to be expected and she looked at me and was like well normally our patients are out and about that evening (after the surgery) and I was like well thanks very kindly but I'M NOT ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE NOW AM I???? gracious goodnesss... I have learned that my body has a very sick sense of humor... it will pick the most random things to get/do/etc. So really this extreme swollenness shouldn't realy suprise me. I guess I was hoping against hope that things would be different this time. Sigh... ah well... many people are way worse off than me at the moment so I shall cut this pity party short and bid all of you negative number of readers a fond farewell... the good news is that I think I now can take 4 more advil and go to bed. wooohooo! :)
c'est moi.